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Dolphin Street

Location #9



As you walk through town, look for indications of how our human inhabitants are also connected to their natural surroundings. Berry-picking is a major pastime for local children and adults, and many let salmonberries grow wild in their yards. You’ll see small boats on trailers near many homes, as fishing for salmon, halibut, rockfish and crab is common for families as well as commercial fishermen here. And, while Petersburg is full of gardeners, they live in a state of constant friendly battle with the Sitka black-tailed deer that seem to wander the streets and sidewalks completely unafraid, sampling flowers and vegetables alike. In addition to the deer themselves, keep an eye out for fishing net, snow fencing, or chicken wire surrounding garden beds as evidence of this human-cervid war. Like the rainforest plants, Petersburg gardeners also have to deal with poor drainage, but they have also adapted by building raised beds or planting in containers to help keep all that rainwater moving through the soil. Human residents must be careful not to leave groceries in the bed of their truck (or even in the backseat of a car with the door open), as clever Raven, or Yéil, has learned where to look for an easy meal. Unfortunately, resident black bears can also be attracted to human food, particularly if it is left in unsecured garbage cans. These problems generally arise in the fall when bears are putting on weight for winter hibernation. Even wolves are occasionally seen on the outskirts of town, serving as a reminder that human habitations are just islands in the sea of wilderness that makes up most of Southeast Alaska. Gunalsheesh for embarking on this short exploration of Séet Ká Kwáan. For more information on many of the topics we covered, see the resources listed on the Resources Page.



Be patient, my friend.
Step slowly
and come often.
Listen for the whale’s breath in the wind.
Hear how the creek-song shifts
as a cloud covers the sun.
Can you feel the air filtered through Raven’s feathers
and sense the ancient glacier’s rumble in your feet?
Smell the peat in the Labrador tea,
the salt in the cedar.
Taste the dew in the blueberry,
the sea in the salmon.

And see how the rain dangles like jewels
from pine-needle ears,
How each drop contains a tiny world –
the sun and the clouds,
the trees and the leaves?

With time you’ll also see
Your own reflection there.

Directions to next location

Thank you for taking the walking tour! From here you can wander back to downtown Petersburg.

For more information and resources visit the Resources page linked from the main Walking Tour List.

© 2024, Rainforest Festival

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