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2020 Schedule

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Registration for classes/Musical Houses map begins at noon on September 2 and runs through noon, September 9. Classes are free, but due to related delivery/pick-up of materials/location, participants must be residents of Petersburg, Alaska.

The Keynote Address and Brown Bags are open to all. Links will be posted the week of the festival.

The Virtual Reading with the Rainforest Writers is free, but requires registration to get the link.

Thursday, September 10


     Morning    Family Event: "Skog Spirit" watch a great video demonstration (facebook),

                     print out instruction sheet or pick-up instruction sheet at the 

                     Public Library and Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Office

     Noon        Zoom Brown Bag: "Forest Insects in SE Alaska" with Elizabeth Graham,

                     Entomologist, USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry


Friday, September 11



       - Ephemeral Outdoor Art Show Map, virtual slideshow presented through 

         the Clausen Memorial Museum

       - New! Raven Trail Interpretive Map-artwork by Lisa Schramek Adams 

             available at the Public Library and Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Office

             or print your own here

       - Totally Nautical Ocean Scavenger hunt begins:

             Hunt list available at the Public Library and Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Office

             or print your own here

             New prizes hidden Friday - Sunday.    

     7:00pm    Keynote Zoom talk: “The mystery and wonder of southeast Alaskan peatlands”

                    with Dave D'Amore, Research Soil Scientist

                    PNW Juneau Land and Water Management


Saturday, September 12


      All-day      Adult art class: Studio Visit & Custom Enamel Earrings with Ashley Lohr 

                     Virtually select shape(s), colors and discuss a jewelry design for either a pair of

                     earrings or a pendant.

                     5 people, sign-up for 1 hour time slots / FULL

     9:00 am     Rainforest Writers Workshop #1, led by Orin Pierson 

                     A 3-hour creative writing workshop for writers of all experience levels
                     limit 7, advance sign-up required / FULL

     12:00 pm    Zoom Brown Bag: "Lichen" 10-minute film by Lisa Jackson and

                     Q&A with Karen Dillman


                      Lisa Jackson is a Canadian Screen Award and Genie-Award-winning Canadian

                         and Anishinaabe filmmaker. Her films have been broadcast on APTN and Knowledge, as well

                         as CBC's ZeD,Canadian Reflections and Newsworld and have screened at festivals

                         including HotDocs, Edinburgh International Film Festival, Melbourne, Worldwide Short Film

                         Festival and Berlin International Film Festival.

                         Her recent VR piece Biidaban: First Light premiered at Tribeca, won a Canadian Screen

                         Award and was nominated for a Webby Award.

                         Her recent IMAX short film Lichen premiered in April 2019, as part of Outer Worlds, a

                         commissioned project featuring the work of five artists including Michael Snow.

                         Check out: What Lichens Can Teach Us!


     1:00 pm     Kids' Event: Virtual Berry Cook-along 

                     Make a simple no-bake fruit tart and some berry drinks. After registration 

                     families will be emailed a recipe and supply list. 
                     Class limit 7 (family or friend groups are considered 1)/ Registration closed

     2:00 pm    Rainforest Writers Workshop #2, led by Orin Pierson 

                     A 3-hour creative writing workshop for writers of all experience levels
                     limit 7 advance sign-up required / FULL

     6:00 pm    Musical Houses - local porch music coordinated by the Petersburg Arts Council

                     Limit 20 pods, registration required to get map and starting location. 

                     Registration closed.               

Sunday, September 13


     All day         Adult art class: Studio Visit & Custom Enamel Earrings with Ashley Lohr

                       Virtually select shape(s), colors and discuss a jewelry design for either a pair of

                       earrings or a pendant. 
                       5 people, sign-up for 1 hour time slots / FULL

    1 - 3 pm        Adult Event: Wild Foods & Wellnes, with nutritionist Kelly Zweifel and

                       Christina Sargent. Get information about the immune boosting vitamins

                       of wild food and how to prepare sauces, syrups, and shrubs using wild berries,

                       spruce tips, seaweed, and mushrooms.
                       Class limit 10, pre-register to get cooking kit

                                          some item must be foraged or purchased / FULL

    7:00 pm        Virtual reading with Rainforest Writers 
                       Join Rainforest Writers for a virtual reading. A great opportunity for literary                             artists from throughout the community to share their writings with an                                   audience and for attendees to hear fresh work from local voices. 

                       To attend the reading, please register to receive link

                       For writers contact Orin by the evening of Sept. 12 to be added to the line up



Rainforest Run 10K & Half Marathon:

      Virtual:        September 12-18submit a screenshot of an app with proof of time by 9/18

      In- Person:   September 19 – check-in/register at Sandy Beach

                                                     Start:  Walkers @ 8am     Runners @ 9am

     Registration: Free or $20 with a T-shirt. Preregister

                       For more info contact Julie.


updated 9.10.20

© 2024, Rainforest Festival

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