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2018 Rainforest Festival


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Monday, September 3

                        Rainforest Run Half-marathon

                      13.1m walk (8am) or run (9am), call 518-4334 for details


Wednesday September 5 & Thursday September 6


12:00-4:30         Fungi Table – stop by to talk to a mycologist about local fungi

                       Forest Service Office downtown



Thursday, September 6


12:05 -12:55       Lunch Brown Bag Talk: Salmon Habitat in Rainforest Streams and Rivers

                       with Julianne Thompson, USFS Hydrologist

                       Public Library Community Room           


3:30–4:30         Kids event: Fun with Fungi

                       Karen Dillman and Ron Hamill, US Forest Service

                       Forest Service Office downtown



7:00–9:00         Keynote Talk: “Why are salmon shrinking and what does it mean?”   

                       Megan McPhee, UAF College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences  

                       Keynote Film: Salmon Forest

                             The Salmon Forest is a 30 min documentary that explores the connection between wild

                             salmon and life in the Tongass. Film by The Sitka Conservation Society in collaboration with

                             the Tongass National Forest. Produced by Ben Hamilton 

                       Wright Auditorium



Friday, September 7


SOLD OUT            Field Trip: Stikine River with mycologist Ron Hamill

                        $140, Pre-register by August 31 at the Marine Advisory Office

                          Limit 11                            Breakaway Adventures

                        Meet at Banana Point. Boat leaves at 10:00am (returns about 6pm)


10:00–11:30          Field Trip: Man Made Hole Salmon Spawning with Megan McPhee  

                        Meet at the library parking lot at 9:30 to car pool to Man Made Hole


12:05–12:55          Lunch Brown Bag Talk:  Salmon Hatcheries in Southeast Alaska

                          with Steve Reifenstuhl, Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association

                          Public Library Community Room 


2:00-4:00            Field trip: Crystal Lake Hatchery with Loren Thompson, Crystal Lake Hatchery Manager                                        Meet at library at 1:30 to carpool to hatchery


3:30-4:30             Kids’ event:  Making Articulated Paper Fish with Christina Sargent & Chris Weiss

                          Ages 3rd grade and up, limit 15, Pre-registration required,

                          Registration begins August 24 @

                          Public Library Community Room 


5:00–7:00            Annabelle Baker Memorial Art show “Stream to Sea” reception

                          Clausen Memorial Museum


                          Show will run from September 6-20.  Regular museum hours M-Sat 10 am – 5 pm

                        Special festival hours on Sunday, September 9, 1-5pm



Saturday, September 8


SOLD OUT            Field Trip: Thomas Bay, including Cascade Creek and Baird Glacier 

                          Focus on mycology and botany with Ron Hamill

                        $140, Pre-register by August 31 at the Marine Advisory Office

                          limit 10                        Skippers Scott Hursey and Dan O'Neil

                        Meet at Harbor Master office at 7:45 am

CANCELLED          Workshop:  Smoking and Preserving Your Salmon by Co-operative Extension Service (CES)

                          $40, pre-registration at the Petersburg Indian Association. Pre-payment required. Limit 20

                        John Hansen Sr. Community Hall (ANB/ANS Hall)


11:00-1:00            Kids event: Making Fairy and Troll Houses with Mandy Wood 

                        Kids under age 7 should be accompanied by an adult

                        Public Library Community Room


12:30-1:30            Lunch Brown Bag Talk: Restoring Watersheds for Healthy Salmon Habitats

                         with Heath Whitacre, USFS fisheries biologist

                         Public Library Ruth Sandvik Room 


2:00-4:00           Field Trip: Ohmer Creek Watershed Restoration

                         Meet at library at 1:30 to carpool to Ohmer Creek

2:00-4:00           Workshop:  Felt fish ornament or garland with Marilyn Meucci

                         Ages 15 and up, limit 12. Pre-registration required. $10 supply fee.

                         Registration begins August 25 @

                         Public Library Community Room


6:30–9:00           Taste of the Rainforest wild foods dinner

                         $75/plate, SOLD OUT

                         limit 48

                         Sons of Norway Hall



Sunday, September 9


All day                Field Trip: Plein air on the Stikine River with Joe Viechnicki   

                       $140 Pre-register by August 31 at the Marine Advisory Office

                         limit 11                       Breakaway Adventures

                       Meet at Banana Point. Boat leaves at 8:00am.


11:00–5:00          Field Trip: Salmon habitat on Petersburg Creek by kayak

                       Patrick Fowler, ADF&G fisheries biologist    

                         bring your own kayak or rent one through Parks and Rec


12:00–12:45         Lunch Brown Bag Talk:  Fungi of Prince of Wales Island by Ron Hamill, mycologist

                         Public Library Community Room 


1:30-5:30            Workshop: Working with Salmon Skin with Jodie Banks

                         Ages 15 and up. Class limit 10, and $25 for supplies. Pre-registration required.

                         Registration begins August 26 @

                         Public Library Community Room

© 2024, Rainforest Festival

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